Longbirch Vanguard Wiki

At present there are 11 classes to choose from. A character's class determines their starting attributes, the weapon and armour proficiencies they have and the skills they will learn. To join a class, you must first pass a simple class quest from that class's trainer. Seek out the Guild of Vocation in New Karth, this building has lots of class information and will even allow you to travel to any class trainer. Only basic information is listed here, click on a class for full details. Once you have completed a class quest you unlock that class permanently and you can go on to unlock more.

Once you have more than one class you can switch between them using /hero choose <class name>

Attributes and levels are unique to each class, your progress in each is saved seperately and your level is not reset when switching.

Class Description Skills & Level Gained
Warrior The warrior is an all-round master of armour and weaponry, able to wield all weapons with scaling damage and gain the benefit of any armour or shield. They learn skills to help them draw aggro, control crowds and stay alive. Strength and Constitution are their favoured attributes.

Indomitable: Once per 60 seconds, after dropping to 5 hearts or less, receive high health regeneration for 4 seconds. At level 10+ this increases to 5 seconds.

1: Taunt

5: Cleave

10: Harmshield

15: Impale

20: Reborn

Rogue The rogue is a stealthy ranged expert who can also perform melee ambushes. They can wear leather, chain, iron and gold armour. They can wield bows, crossbows and swords, gaining scaling damage per level with each. They learn skills to help them deal bonus backstab damage, blend into the shadows and inflict poison on enemies. Dexterity and Strength are their favoured attributes.

Dodge: Passive 20% chance to evade an attack, becoming invulnerable for 3 seconds afterwards. At level 10+ you also briefly become invisible when you dodge.

1: Backstab

5: RuptureShot

10: Shadowstep

15: Smoke

15: AimedShot

Mage The mage is a powerful spellcaster who can only wear leather and gold armour and has scaling melee damage with sticks and books. They can also use crossbows, should they ever run out of mana. They can learn ranged magic that deals high damage, can impede enemies and they can evade harm with short-range teleportation. Intellect and Wisdom are their favoured attributes.

Mage Armour: While your mana is full, incoming damage is reduced by 20%. At level 10+ your mana no longer needs to be full to gain this buff.

1: Icebolt

5: Blink

10: Fireblast

15: Root

20: ArcaneStorm

Cleric The cleric is a healer class who gains scaling damage with the shovel as a "mace" and can wear leather, chain, iron and gold armour as well as shields. They can also use a crossbow if need be. They can learn skills to heal and buff allies and to hinder enemies and smite undead. Strength improves their melee damage, Wisdom will improve healing and Intellect will improve magic damage.

Divine Boon: Your passive ability is dictated by the deity you follow, which is usually a buff triggered by certain actions. At level 10+ your Divine Boon confers effects to the rest of your party as well.

1: HolyWater

5: DivineStun

10: Blessing

15: Wisdom

20: Megabolt

Reaper The Order of the Reapers are a secretive group that devote themselves to the art of scythe-based combat and dark magic. They can wear leather, chain, iron and gold armour. They gain massive damage scaling with hoes or "scythes", but have little training in other weapons, though they are capable enough with crossbows. They learn various damaging dark magic spells, can buff their scythe damage and can trade their own health for mana. Strength improves their scythe damage, while Intellect will improve their dark magic.

Ravage: When you deal damage with a scythe you have a 15% chance to recover 3 hearts of health. At level 10+ Ravage recovers 4 hearts of health.

1: Curse

5: DarkScythe

10: DarkBolt

15: DarkRitual

20: DoomstarRequiem

Explorer The explorer is a utilitarian class that can use any weapon or armour, including shields. They are more suited to survival and exploration than combat. Most of their skills are passives that improve gathering rates on fishing, mining etc. Strength, Dexterity and Constitution work best for them.

Survivalist: Every 10 minutes there's a 25% chance of obtaining a random foraged item. At level 10+ the foraged item pool expands to more items and you can gain 2 items at a time.

1: Herbalism

5: Scan

10: Fishing

15: Woodcutting

20: Mining

Monk The monastic order believe in the perfection of the self and to achieve this they abandon any dependency on armour and weapons. Instead they rely completely on their own inner strength and force of will, gaining powerful scaling damage with their own fists. They do also have training with simple weapons, being able to use a stick as a quarterstaff or a trident if they need a ranged weapon. They learn skills to heal themself and others by a small amount, throw shurikens, become immune to fall damage and inflict damage to enemies using special monastic techniques. Strength and Dexterity are their favoured attributes.

Deflect Missile: You have a 33% chance to deflect incoming projectiles, with a further chance of reflecting the projectile back at attackers.

Unarmoured Defense: You gain 40% resistance against damage while wearing no armour, which increases to 60% at level 10. 

1: FistOfJin

5: Shurikens

10: IronFist

15: SafeFall

20: QuiveringPalm

Ranger The ranger is an expert in archery who also has command over beasts of all kinds. They can use most weapons, but excel with a bow or crossbow.

They can wear leather, chain, gold and iron armour as well as shields and they can learn various archery based skills.

They learn skills to grapple onto enemies or terrain, allowing them to launch themselves or others, as well as learning to manufacture different types of arrow and temporarily increasing their own Dexterity or that of party members.

Beastmaster: You gain access to a variety of powerful animal companions and have 60% damage negation while issuing them commands. At level 10+ you gain access to an even wider variety of animal companions.     

1: GrapplingShot

5: IceArrow

10: Bandage

15: Alacrity

20: ExplosiveShot

Crusader The Crusader is a stoic defender who is able to not only wield a variety of weapons, shields and heavy armour, but is able to channel divine magic too.

They learn skills to pull and slow enemies, reflect damage, protect their party and deal a devastating divine smite.

Strength and Constitution are their main attributes, with Intellect being important for divine damage and Wisdom for their healing skills.

Divine Boon: Your passive ability is dictated by the deity you follow, which is usually a buff triggered by certain actions. At level 10+ your Divine Boon confers effects to the rest of your party as well.

1: Reckoning

5: ShieldReflect

10: AngelsGrace

15: Smite

20: HolyAura

Bard The Bard is a magical songweaver, a master of lore and illusion. They can wear leather, gold, iron and chain armour and can use swords, shields, bows and crossbows.

They learn skills to buff allies, debuff enemies and even deal magical damage through song.

Strength and Dexterity will increase your melee and ranged damage, while Charisma will increase the duration and potency of your buffs and debuffs.

Bardic Inspiration: You can play your horn to grant health regeneration to yourself and allies. At level 10+ your horn grants even more powerful regeneration.  

1: Conflux

5: Warsong

10: Manasong

15: Runeword

20: MelodicBinding

Necromancer The Necromancer is a summoner of the undead and an occult magician. They can wear leather and gold armour and can use shovels as maces and crossbows.

They learn skills to summon undead minions, debuff enemies and even heal themself by draining the enemy's lifeforce.

Strength will increase their mace damage, while Intellect and Wisdom will allow them to keep casting powerful spells consistently.

Undead Reinforcements: Summon two skeletal soldiers to come to your aid. At level 10+ you can summon three soldiers who are even more powerful.  

1: BoneSpear

5: SummonFamiliar

10: DevouringDarkness

15: BecomeDeath

20: DreadAura

Barbarian The Barbarian is a savage frontline combatant who channels their fury and fearlessness into raw power. They can wear leather, gold, iron or chain armour, but are tough enough to go without, gaining extra fortitude when not wearing armour. They can also use swords, axes, tridents and shields.

They learn skills that convert missing health into attack power, bolster themself or allies with bonus health and perform brutal strikes. Strength will increase their melee damage, while Constitution will allow them to stay alive while benefitting from their rage.

Unarmoured Fortitude: You gain 10 Absorption hearts while wearing no armour

Furious Vigour: You have a 20% chance when you take damage to cure any negative status effects on yourself. At level 10+ you also half the damage of the triggering attack.

1: BerserkerRage

5: ThrowAxe

10: Courage

15: Headbutt

20: Whirlwind
