Longbirch Vanguard Wiki
All Races

There are currently 9 races for you to choose from. A character's race determines their starting location, to which they can teleport at any time for free using the /races spawn command. It also gives them 3 positive and 1 negative traits.

You can change race by visiting the Rebirth NPC at any race's starting town, but you will have to complete that race's rebirth quest.

Race Description Starting Location Traits
Colvatchian Hardy humans from the lost kingdom of Colvatchia Woodport Positive: +2 armour bonus and during the daytime they gain Haste & Luck

Negative: Inflicted with weakness and blindness if attacked by an enderman

Nefaryn Elven natives of Longbirch who are tall, slender and incredibly nimble Anrekua Glade Positive: 40% more movement speed, ignore minor fall damage and they gain a jump boost during daytime

Negative: Inflicted with weakness after taking fire damage

Aquirioth Tribal lizardfolk natives who are amphibious and love to hunt Waterlily Swamp Positive: Faster swim speed, can breathe underwater and have extra health

Negative: Inflicted with hunger while in the Desert or Nether

Lyonian Diminutive catfolk who exude knightly valour Kishi Village Positive: 70% less fall damage, 5% chance to dodge attacks and nightvision in the dark

Negative: Inflicted with weakness after taking explosion damage

Netherfolk Hyper-evolved, fire-proof humans who have adapted to the harsh Nether Moltenforge Keep Positive: Immunity to fire and lava and +2 armour bonus

Negative: Inflicted with hunger when coming into contact with water, ice or snow

Undead The dead, magically returned to life with newfound sentience Graveheim Positive: Immunity to poisons, cannot die of hunger and have extra health

Negative: Take damage if they consume anything other than rotten flesh, spider eyes, poison potatoes or potions

Zianite Golems created by dark magic constructed from obsidian and crystal Cinderstone Cavern Positive: Immune to knockback, increased strength when mana is full and nightvision in the dark

Negative: Inflicted with slowness after taking explosion or fall damage

Dwarf Short and stout humanoids with a love of mining and smithing Mount Kuldor Positive: Mine faster, nightvision in the dark and can enhance gold armour uniquely for free

Negative: Slower walk speed

Goblin Small, pointy-eared, green tribalfolk with a penchant for mischief, but an eye for invention Skullcrack Gulch Positive: Can quickly flee from danger and while in the dark they gain nightvision and can go invisible while sneaking

Negative: Inflicted with slowness briefly on picking up items

All items (9)
