Longbirch Vanguard Wiki

The Barbarian is a savage frontline combatant who channels their fury and fearlessness into raw power. They can wear armour, but are tough enough to go without, gaining extra fortitude when not wearing armour. They learn skills that convert missing health into attack power, bolster themself or allies with bonus health and perform brutal strikes. Strength will increase their melee damage, while Constitution will allow them to stay alive while benefitting from their rage.

Lore: Some of the most legendary barbarians are found among the Aquirioth, their culture of hunter champions is well known, able to hunt the beasts of land and sea with equal ease. Some of them even emulate Kridoth himself, wearing naught but swamp leaves and vines and managing to shrug off blows that would fell an ogre.

Class Trainer: They can be found outside the Sparring Arena in Waterlily Village.

Proficiencies: Can wear Leather, Gold, Chain, Iron armour and use shields. Granted scaling damage with swords, axes and tridents

Level Gained Name Mana Cost Cooldown (in seconds) Effect
Hidden Passive Unarmoured Fortitude - - While wearing no armour (you can use a shield) you gain 10 Absorption hearts.
Hidden Passive Furious Vigour - - You have a 20% chance when you take damage to cure any negative status effects on yourself. At level 10+ you also half the damage of the triggering attack.
Level 1 BerserkerRage - - A passive percentage buff to damage equal to the amount of health you are missing, caps out at 60%
Level 5 ThrowAxe 10 0.5 A fast, but weak ranged attack that can knock back enemies. The max distance and damage of your axe scales with Strength
Level 10 Courage 50 30 Buff your or your ally's Constitution by 8 for 90 seconds. Duration scales with your level
Level 15 Headbutt 25 5 Deals a large amount of damage to one enemy and stuns them briefly at the cost of some of your health. Damage scales with Strength
Level 20 Whirlwind 60 30 A high damage area of effect attack that deals damage to everything around you for 4 seconds, you can move slowly while it is in effect. Damage scales with Strength